ugh... i feel like really fat... i ate sooo much but it was some good home cooking that i aint
had in a while. My obsession continues with twilight... my 10th consecutive time since owning it and imma watch it again as allison comes over today. thats allison with her new baby... Mary Grace. She is finally being able to go out now. YAY!! Shawn is gonna watch the baby today so allison can come hang out.
I miss my tabby fla. i was invited to go with her to the movies today with morgan but i had already made plans with allison so i couldnt go and i feel awful. I havent seen her in a long time and here i am able to go, and cant... grrrr... so sad... hopefully her and morgan will come over when the movie is over. and maybe watch twilight yet again... so obsessed... But I cant help it... I am so amazed at how good the movie is and better the books... the whole story is AWESOME!!! i really hope that midnight sun comes out soon...
I so cant wait til the rest of everything comes out... yay...
So jeremy wont come see me today no matter what i say... its his dads birthday but im not invited apparently and it makes me mad. 4 years with his family and im not invited... WTF?!
IDK... what to do what to do...
Ugh i havent heard anything back from RagTops yet... and its bothering me... grrr... Im gonna call 2maro before going to CFA... just to let her know my schedule.
I really want this job...
Ugh i havent heard anything back from RagTops yet... and its bothering me... grrr... Im gonna call 2maro before going to CFA... just to let her know my schedule.
I really want this job...
Well, im out for now... see ya