Ok, im so sleepy and tired but the sleep must have ran away... I'm still continuing my search for a job and a car. I found several vehicles I'm interested in. And im hoping to work at walgreens. I just love the whole environment of it all... IDK... but I can't stay at Chick Fil A and idk if i want to continue working in resteraunts... at least not fast food..
sigh.... and im still fighting the, urge, the needing, the whatever for a baby. I know finacially I'm not ready.. but I still want one... I'm going to talk to Aunt Cheryl... hopefully soon, about getting Jalyn if anything happens before the baby turns 18 so she doesnt go to her daddy's family. Maybe that would ease my baby mania... i love that little ball of fun! =D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Things are getting better.
Heya. Jeremy and I are communicating better. I talked to him about how bad I want a baby, and how bad I want my wedding date moved to 2011. Well, as of now, it maybe 2011, depending on how things go. We agreed that finacially we aren't ready to be parents... But we will try one day... after 2013 or so. That way we can be together for a while before the kids come.
Which has always been my plan. I wanted to be married by 21 at the latest, and start having babies at 25/26ish...
Tabby knows what I am going through. She's going through it too. She wants a baby too... but she wants to wait til she has her own house and better income too... Then we will have kids together... I loves her more than turtles. =D
So... Ham's birthday is tomorrow and i got her a surprise... WICKLES!! hahaha... She's sleeping so by the time she will find out it will be too late. She will already have them. And imma talk to hitler about helping me decorate a little for her 2maro.

I'm opening my own scrapbooking service. I have 2 websites...
Thanks to Jay for helping me with the name, and Hitler (aka Travis) for helping me come up with a logo. I designed it all by myself and I like it. Hope you see that its mostly North America and Part of South America!
Well, gonna go do some more stuff... like look for more of my layouts and such... ttyl
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
its hitting me like a tidal wave... i feel so depressed and idk what to do... jeremy is depressed and ugh... what to do what to do... i love him and dont wanna lose him but idk how...
oh yea
i almost forgot to mention that yesterday for 2.5 hours, i was stuck upfront by myself. i did DT, FL, bag and window all by myself with marcello and I calling for Attilla and Gaysen. dammit
what the hell
i am now on 2 day suspension from work... and i was only scheduled for 2 days the rest of the week, so I am done until our mandatory meeting on sunday afternoon.
its for food theft... here is the reasoning behind this alleged theft....
FIRST INCIDENT-giving away a med. lemonade. it was to a UPS guy who delivers heavy boxes to us quite frequently. I've seen ATTILLA the HUN do it for the SAME guy before, but no, its her so its ok.
SECOND INCIDENT- giving away promotional material unauthorized. it was an extra sticker in drive thru for a lady who had been through once before that SAME day and
asked for one, saying that the first person was clueless about what she was talking about.
THIRD INCIDENT- megan came to talk to me one day, and ordered food. she forgot to order fries and i said i would pay for them. so i promoed them out until i could get my money outta the car. Laura checked my register and saw them promoed.... and told jason.
i tried to explain all 3 of these incidents.... but NONE of them would listen... so whatever, idc anymore
its for food theft... here is the reasoning behind this alleged theft....
FIRST INCIDENT-giving away a med. lemonade. it was to a UPS guy who delivers heavy boxes to us quite frequently. I've seen ATTILLA the HUN do it for the SAME guy before, but no, its her so its ok.
SECOND INCIDENT- giving away promotional material unauthorized. it was an extra sticker in drive thru for a lady who had been through once before that SAME day and
THIRD INCIDENT- megan came to talk to me one day, and ordered food. she forgot to order fries and i said i would pay for them. so i promoed them out until i could get my money outta the car. Laura checked my register and saw them promoed.... and told jason.
i tried to explain all 3 of these incidents.... but NONE of them would listen... so whatever, idc anymore
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
today has just been aweful... first, i forgot to set my alarm but thank god momma was up to wake me up... then when i got here, jason and laura dissappeared and i had to do headset, window, frontline and bagger while they did whatever it was (i suspect talking about nothing). then mom forgot my carmex and i was pissed.
ugh... and im still not too comfy with some stuff... but i still want a baby. its all i can think about anymore and its driving me nuts. ugh... bleh... and i need to go see lindy and jj to recover some misssing movies lol...
ugh.... idk what to do... shoot me, please??
ugh... and im still not too comfy with some stuff... but i still want a baby. its all i can think about anymore and its driving me nuts. ugh... bleh... and i need to go see lindy and jj to recover some misssing movies lol...
ugh.... idk what to do... shoot me, please??
oh the joy's of working at chick fil a. now i am stuck with atilla without my mom until 12 ish. at least jason is here. i loves him.... i'm going to be looking for a job closer to home...
Monday, November 10, 2008
to the corporate bitches
ya'll dont scare me... im tired of all the rules and regulations CHANGING LIKE FUCKING UNDERWEAR...
and im tired of the people you hire... yea they may help you save money and time but THEY ARE FUCKING RUDE AS HELL AND THATS NOT THE WAY TO KEEP EMPLOYEES....
in order to save money and time, you must treat your employees good or they will leave... and hiring new people takes time and money and if you are a fortunate business, its a pain in the ass to keep losing money and time because YOUR RUDE ASS MANAGERS KEEP PISSING THEM OFF AND THEY KEEP QUITING...
and your managers might want to quit being rude to customers.... they will soon leave... and take everyone they know with them to another business...
and watch your backs, corporate bitches....lawsuits aren't pretty or cheap... keep that in mind
and im tired of the people you hire... yea they may help you save money and time but THEY ARE FUCKING RUDE AS HELL AND THATS NOT THE WAY TO KEEP EMPLOYEES....
in order to save money and time, you must treat your employees good or they will leave... and hiring new people takes time and money and if you are a fortunate business, its a pain in the ass to keep losing money and time because YOUR RUDE ASS MANAGERS KEEP PISSING THEM OFF AND THEY KEEP QUITING...
and your managers might want to quit being rude to customers.... they will soon leave... and take everyone they know with them to another business...
and watch your backs, corporate bitches....lawsuits aren't pretty or cheap... keep that in mind
so much STRESS
ok to start off with today i found out 2 of my friends are dating... and that never ends well... then one of them came into work, while i was busy and tried to talk to me about some texts i sent to the other....
ugh, then they forgot to order fries so i promo-ed some out... and atilla found out and bitched at me... then she told the big boss and she mentioned the words "fired" and "write up". well, i could care less right now... that BITCH pisses me off and i DONT CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!!! shit man, FUCK HER...
i got the job at arby's but they are waiting til they get more business or dec. 1 which ever comes first.... so heelll yeeeaaaa....
and now, i really, really, really, REALLY wanna get married... and i really re
ally really want to have a kid. like now. and i have no idea why. I'm like all depressed and stuff because I want to get married and have kids.... and i know im not waiting til 2013... it will be before 2013 before i get married... i want kids about 2013 not married...
i just feel like i was born to be a mom and its very difficult for me to be one when my PARTNER in crime and love is refusing to let me live out my dream.... my destination... and idk what to do... i need him so much and yet.... idk... I SO WANNA BE A MOM!!!!
why, i just love kids, and i want one... just really bad... I am so ready... I can make it if i tried but jeremy isnt ready. idk....
so much confusion, stress, depression... i need to get outta here... oh and not to mention, my uncle is supposedly getting married this saturday and i hate it... and idk if it will happen... havent talked to anyone that way in a long time... idk if i want to. i do need to tell JJ im not mad at her... but i dont want to talk to my uncle as long as he is with that WHORE of a lying preacher.... i cant stand her, and i refuse to agree to this. i want to so badly go to OK and kick BOTH there asses... his for being so STUPID and hers just because of all the stress and shit shes puttin my uncle through and all the shit she had put him through...
it has officially happened again... one of my friends is dating my ex and Idk how to feel about it. I mean i know how she is, and i know what he has been through... and i dont wanna see him hurt...
and i dont know why i am feeling like this... i mean, we've been good friends and all... maybe its just me wanting to be a good friend... a great friend... idk... DAMN!!!
and i dont know why i am feeling like this... i mean, we've been good friends and all... maybe its just me wanting to be a good friend... a great friend... idk... DAMN!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Things have been pretty fiesty around here lately. Lots of drama at work and all... But most importantly the election. Some many people voted because of color and I know this for a fact...
A radio station DJ went out to interview people in Harlam about who they were voting for, but what he did was change all of Barack's Points to McCains, so everything they were talking about was McCain but used Obama's name instead. They even used Palin for Obama's VP. And every SINGLE one was for McCains and Palins Points but said they were voting for Obama. Now if you can't even keep up with whos VP is who, then you shouldn't vote, especially when Obama was against everything they DJ was saying... STUPID IGNORANT PEOPLE...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPPBVPcuYF0 there is the video from what the DJ did. explaining everything....
My cousin wrote something that was quite inspring...
The President has no actual power without Congress and the House of Representatives...he can veto, but that's about it.High school Government taught me, at the very least, that.The country isn't going down the drain due to the election of either candidate.The country is already headed that way in the first place.If you have failed notice the current economic CRISIS our country is facing.Just in case you did fail to notice, however, we are in an ECONOMIC CRISIS.Also, there is very little that can be changed in four years.
It takes time to implement change.And here is the worst case scenario....John McCain dies...we have Sarah Palin...thank God she would only be president for a very SHORT period of time (In case the Republican side failed to notice...she is also a candidate with very little REAL experience...she was the Governor of ALASKA. That says it all right there.
She also can't even keep her own family in line, much less yours.)
Other worst case scenario: Barak Obama is full of crap...he is only here four years...and he has to go through an entire checks and balances system to implement any of the CHANGE he proposes. And the Senate is reelected every 2 years. So...that means...if a Republican Senate is elected...nothing is going to really actually change.
The point of this post is for you to be informed and vote on someone not because they are white or black...Democrat or republican. Do it for values, education, the welfare of others. Do it because of where you stand and your personal convictions.
Please visit this site! We must fight to stop the killing more innocent lives!http://www.fightfoca.com/FOCA Would Wipe Away Every Restriction on Abortion NationwideThis would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:* Bans on Partial Birth Abortion* Requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion* Only licensed physicians can perform abortions* Parents must be informed and give consent to their minor daughter's abortionFOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.
With a single stroke of the pen, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.Twenty Senators (including Sen. Barack Obama) and 109 U.S. Representatives have co-sponsored this "Freedom of Choice Act." The stated aim of this legislation is to "end the abortion wars."To these legislators, "ending the abortion wars" means allowing abortion for any reason, at any time, without any restriction or any regulation. This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support.FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.
Americans United for Life (AUL), a pro-life law and policy organization, has prepared an analysis of the "Freedom of Choice Act." Please click here to read AUL Vice President & Legal Director Denise Burke’s analysis of this horrendous legislation.Please add your name to the Fight FOCA petition and let your friends know about Barack Obama’s promise to expand abortion throughout the country.
A radio station DJ went out to interview people in Harlam about who they were voting for, but what he did was change all of Barack's Points to McCains, so everything they were talking about was McCain but used Obama's name instead. They even used Palin for Obama's VP. And every SINGLE one was for McCains and Palins Points but said they were voting for Obama. Now if you can't even keep up with whos VP is who, then you shouldn't vote, especially when Obama was against everything they DJ was saying... STUPID IGNORANT PEOPLE...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPPBVPcuYF0 there is the video from what the DJ did. explaining everything....
My cousin wrote something that was quite inspring...
The President has no actual power without Congress and the House of Representatives...he can veto, but that's about it.High school Government taught me, at the very least, that.The country isn't going down the drain due to the election of either candidate.The country is already headed that way in the first place.If you have failed notice the current economic CRISIS our country is facing.Just in case you did fail to notice, however, we are in an ECONOMIC CRISIS.Also, there is very little that can be changed in four years.
It takes time to implement change.And here is the worst case scenario....John McCain dies...we have Sarah Palin...thank God she would only be president for a very SHORT period of time (In case the Republican side failed to notice...she is also a candidate with very little REAL experience...she was the Governor of ALASKA. That says it all right there.
She also can't even keep her own family in line, much less yours.)
Other worst case scenario: Barak Obama is full of crap...he is only here four years...and he has to go through an entire checks and balances system to implement any of the CHANGE he proposes. And the Senate is reelected every 2 years. So...that means...if a Republican Senate is elected...nothing is going to really actually change.
The point of this post is for you to be informed and vote on someone not because they are white or black...Democrat or republican. Do it for values, education, the welfare of others. Do it because of where you stand and your personal convictions.
Please visit this site! We must fight to stop the killing more innocent lives!http://www.fightfoca.com/FOCA Would Wipe Away Every Restriction on Abortion NationwideThis would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:* Bans on Partial Birth Abortion* Requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion* Only licensed physicians can perform abortions* Parents must be informed and give consent to their minor daughter's abortionFOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.
With a single stroke of the pen, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would establish the right to abortion as a fundamental right (like the right to free speech) and wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.Twenty Senators (including Sen. Barack Obama) and 109 U.S. Representatives have co-sponsored this "Freedom of Choice Act." The stated aim of this legislation is to "end the abortion wars."To these legislators, "ending the abortion wars" means allowing abortion for any reason, at any time, without any restriction or any regulation. This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support.FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.
Americans United for Life (AUL), a pro-life law and policy organization, has prepared an analysis of the "Freedom of Choice Act." Please click here to read AUL Vice President & Legal Director Denise Burke’s analysis of this horrendous legislation.Please add your name to the Fight FOCA petition and let your friends know about Barack Obama’s promise to expand abortion throughout the country.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New things!
Had a couple of interviews at Arby's and I go back this afternoon for another. Been super busy lately. Yesterday, Jeremy and I went and hung out with my grandma all day and I am grateful we did because at first he didn't want to go. But i appreciate him doing so. So we had fun, went to Ryans and Walmart. Grandma bought me 2 things of cake mix and icing and i made a 3 layer cake with just one box and one thing of icing and it is yummy! i stayed with her last night and I'm glad I did. Her alarm was being funny today
and didn't go off so I woke her up 15 minutes late (it was on time forme) and we got ready and went to hardees and washed her car and I was at work 30 minutes early! yay me! now i am no break, and I am running out of time. I shall return with the stories of my not-so-interesting-but-midly-funny-and-always-true-life-of-aimee-and-family.
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ok, last time. I am not gonna move. It broke my heart last night just to think about not seeing Jeremy, my grandma, my nieces, my family on a daily basis. It would be nice to live on my own and stuff but I am a big family person, and I would miss them.
I went shopping with my grandma yesterday. She called me while I was packing and asked if I wanted to go to town with her. We went to walmart to get vampire teeth for Nick, and while we where there, she bought me 2 shirts. they are cute. Then we got some water, and went out to eat at ryans. Jay called me =D i miss talking to him sometimes. He's very nifty. (But not quite as nifty as jeremy =D) So we ate, then went to visit Jo Anne @ GMH. She's got cellulitus in both legs... ugh!
So we went back to her house, and I put up all the water we bought, and then went to take some stuff to aunt cheryls. well, she needed a shower so grandma and I took the girls to my house so mom and i could watch them while cheryl got ready. Jalyn was a bunny and Kyleigh was a kitty. So cute... but Ky was tired and you could tell. So then I dressed all piraty and stuff.... and Jeremy and I went to Janets, Grandmas, Aunt Katies then to Scott and Jess's where we spent ALL night in the car talking... then to my house and talked some more... and i finished packing only to get up 4 hours later (yes, i only slept 4 hours) and decided not to go... so jeremy and i had one heck of a time last night for me not to go. Shelly, Todd, and Megan are gonna be pissed but right now, I don't care. I need my family on a daily basis and I wont get it there like i want it... especially with the Holiday seasons coming... Thanksgiving, birthdays, christmas...
Well, I'm off now... gonna try to squeeze in a nap before work... (ps, I know that picture is kinda old but it is one of my favorites... actually it is really old... it was the christmas of 05... one week after we started dating...)
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