Ok, last time. I am not gonna move. It broke my heart last night just to think about not seeing Jeremy, my grandma, my nieces, my family on a daily basis. It would be nice to live on my own and stuff but I am a big family person, and I would miss them.
I went shopping with my grandma yesterday. She called me while I was packing and asked if I wanted to go to town with her. We went to walmart to get vampire teeth for Nick, and while we where there, she bought me 2 shirts. they are cute. Then we got some water, and went out to eat at ryans. Jay called me =D i miss talking to him sometimes. He's very nifty. (But not quite as nifty as jeremy =D) So we ate, then went to visit Jo Anne @ GMH. She's got cellulitus in both legs... ugh!
So we went back to her house, and I put up all the water we bought, and then went to take some stuff to aunt cheryls. well, she needed a shower so grandma and I took the girls to my house so mom and i could watch them while cheryl got ready. Jalyn was a bunny and Kyleigh was a kitty. So cute... but Ky was tired and you could tell. So then I dressed all piraty and stuff.... and Jeremy and I went to Janets, Grandmas, Aunt Katies then to Scott and Jess's where we spent ALL night in the car talking... then to my house and talked some more... and i finished packing only to get up 4 hours later (yes, i only slept 4 hours) and decided not to go... so jeremy and i had one heck of a time last night for me not to go. Shelly, Todd, and Megan are gonna be pissed but right now, I don't care. I need my family on a daily basis and I wont get it there like i want it... especially with the Holiday seasons coming... Thanksgiving, birthdays, christmas...
Well, I'm off now... gonna try to squeeze in a nap before work... (ps, I know that picture is kinda old but it is one of my favorites... actually it is really old... it was the christmas of 05... one week after we started dating...)
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